Tuesday, May 11, 2010

US Banks in Spotlight

The National, Abu Dhabi, reports today that a senior US politician is calling for an immediate investigation into allegations of “massive global money laundering” by big US banks in their dealings with “persons from the Middle East”. Those persons being, of course, being AHAB and Maan Al-Sanea.

The paper reports that Peter King, who is a Republican Congressman, wrote to the US Attorney General calling for the "US government to investigate transactions involving billions of dollars that passed between the Gulf and New York banks." Mr King reported went on to cite allegations by AHAB that some $4.7bn of “suspicious transactions employed for the alleged fraud moved through one account at Bank of America in New York”.

Mr King goes on to warn that “If the allegations against Mr al Sanea prove correct, I fear that the systemic failure to detect such a significant money-laundering scheme from a high-risk region could serve as a presage for even more ominous events, perhaps even significant sources of terrorist financing.”

It will be interesting to see what happens next and what effect the Congressman's letter has, not just with the American authorities, but with those investigating the dispute in Saudi Arabia. This is an issue to which The National Alludes: "Mr King’s letter will also raise the stakes in Saudi Arabia, where the authorities have been conducting an internal investigation into how Al Gosaibi and Saad Group, Mr al Sanea’s holding company, came to owe $22bn to more than 100 Gulf and international banks."

Read the full article here: http://www.thenational.ae/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100510/BUSINESS/705109867/1005

Taif Information Center will endeavor to report back with more information about what prompted the Congressman's intervention, as well as any further details as to what effect it may have.

1 comment:

  1. This is the latest stunt by the AlGosaibi’s after their forgery allegations turned out to be false by their own experts Dr Audrey Giles report. They have approached Congressman Peter King who's political views are anti Islam to help them create new allegations and chains of lies.
    One of the controversial statements of the congressman was September 2007 in an interview with the website Politico.com, King said that "There are too many mosques in this country... There are too many people sympathetic to radical Islam. We should be looking at them more carefully and finding out how we can infiltrate them."
    This is further proof that the AlGosaibi’s lead by Saud AlGosaibi with support of Jim Courtovich of Kearsarge Global Advisors will go to any extent to evade their own responsibilities and blame others.
